Our experience. A deeply rooted history to look to the future.
The distance travelled by wood in the company to turn into a chair.
Zero waste, zero impact. This is our commitment to nature.
Our daily mission? Choosing continuous improvement. Improvement coming from the courage to welcome new opportunities, to walk new pathways, and to keep our eyes wide open to the future.
At Venature’s, we manufacture wooden furniture (especially chairs and seats) for design companies that chase and embrace change. We are convinced that this is the way to strengthen our values: care, nature, respect.
Let’s change together.
We could tell you our story.
However, telling you what we believe in is more important for us.
Venature’s is a brand
Veneta Sedie Snc
Venature’s deals with the design and production of wooden furniture. We cater to the big design brands and to those looking for a product that respects nature.
© 2023 Venature’s – Veneta Sedie Snc di Rosa Nicola & F.lli – C.F e P.IVA. 04471350282 – Codice destinatario SDI: EH1R83N – All rights reserved. Privacy Policy